Goal Zero Blog

The Importance of Avoiding Shortcuts

Written by Jackson Fisk | Aug 23, 2024 1:45:00 PM

Most of us have the necessary skills and knowledge to do our jobs well, and most of us don't want to hurt ourselves or anyone else. Why then do we take shortcuts, which can result in setting up ourselves and others for injury?  

The following is a list of things we often do even though we know we shouldn't: 

  • You can't fool safety devices. However, we remove or wedge back safety guards, so they won't protect us. 
  • We shouldn't take a chance when operating heavy equipment, but we don't use the seat belt that is provided. 
  • We know that flames or sparks are not permitted around flammable liquids, but some of us smoke around them. 
  • A protruding nail in a guard rail can cause an injury, but we don't bother to remove it or bend it over. 
  • Horse play can cause injuries on the job, but many of us continue to play practical jokes. 
  • A circular saw can amputate a finger, but we insist on using the saw without a guard.  
  • We know the safe way to climb a ladder, but we climb it with one hand full of tools. 
  • We should wear our personal protective equipment, but we leave our goggles strapped up on our hard hats. 
  •  We know better than to use chemicals without reading the Safety Data Sheet (SDS), but we use the chemical anyway. 
  • We should wear a life jacket when working over water, but we go out over the water without one. 
  • A bump or bruise to the head ran hurt and cause injury, but we continue to work without our hard hats
  • It's dangerous to block firefighting equipment, but we stack boxes of material in front of fire extinguishers. 
  • We know not to work within 7M (21ft) of a power line, but there's just one more load of steel to be unloaded and we are convinced something bad won't happen to me.  

This is a short list, and you can probably think of many more examples because we all, at one time or another, have been guilty of taking shortcuts. This is usually generally because we are attempting to save some time, or occasionally someone comes up with an idea that works, and it may be a timesaver. These seem great in theory; however, it is vital that safety is never sacrificed simply to make a job go quicker. 

Your life and your health are too important to risk by taking foolish chances. Often, it’s not just your safety, but the safety of others that is at stake. Always think safety first. Don't take shortcuts! If you end up injured, it could cost much more in lost work, well-being, and recovery time. 

Prioritizing safety means following proper procedures, even when it feels inconvenient. By staying focused and careful, we protect ourselves and our colleagues. Remember, safety is a journey, not a destination. So, stay on the right path and avoid shortcuts that could lead to unnecessary hazards and accidents in the workplace.