Goal Zero Blog

Tips to Help Achieve Work Life Balance

Written by Jackson Fisk | Jan 19, 2024 2:30:00 PM

With the new year upon us, it is time to reflect on 2023. For many, this may involve identifying aspects of their lives they wish to improve in 2024. Finding balance between our personal lives and our professional ones can be a challenge. We are constantly being pulled in multiple directions and are often left feeling that there isn’t enough time in the day to complete our to-do lists. However, there are ways in which you can achieve a balance between the two, and today we’d like to offer some suggestions to help. 


“According to a recent Ipsos poll conducted on behalf of Global News, 65% of working Canadians say that they have achieved a better work-life balance in 2022.” -Ipsos 


Set boundaries 

It is important to establish clear boundaries in both your personal, and professional life. This becomes even more crucial with the increase in remote work. Establish specific work hours and stick to them as much as possible.  


Don’t be afraid to say no or ask for help if needed. Ensure you understand the expectations of your role, and that you aren’t taking on more responsibility without recognition or proper compensation in doing so. Be realistic in what you can take on and do your best not to overcommit yourself. If you know that you can’t balance more tasks or projects, be honest and communicate with your employer. 

Be clear in your availability to both colleagues and clients, and when the workday is finished, turn off your notifications (and put down your phone!). 


Stay organized   

With our lives being so busy, it is hard to keep track of everything. Whether you like to kick it old school with Post-it notes and paper to-do lists, or utilize technology to stay on task, keeping organized will do wonders for your mental health and your overall productivity.  


Maximize your working hours by focusing on high-priority tasks. To help avoid additional stress, don’t procrastinate things that need to be done in a timely manner. Instead, first complete urgent items, then tackle the things you don’t want to do, reducing anxiety and leaving you feeling less overwhelmed. 


Take breaks 

Regardless of the industry in which you work, you are allotted breaks, and you should utilize them. Take the opportunity to step away from your desk, work, or project and recharge. Consider taking a walk, eating your lunch, or calling a friend. While this might seem like meaningless effort, engaging in activities that help you feel relaxed throughout your workday can have a positive impact. 


For employers… 

As an employer, you play a key role in helping your employees achieve work life balance. Implementing a work life balance program is beneficial to your organization as well as to those who work for you. The Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) states that “work-life balance initiatives are any benefits, policies, or programs that help create a better balance between the demands of the job and the healthy management (and enjoyment) of life outside work.” They further add that these initiatives can be “part of a complete health and safety or a health promotion program in the workplace. The initiatives can be written as part of existing health and safety policy, or particular guidelines can be referenced in the overall company human resources policy or the collective agreement (if applicable).”  


“Corporate programs that support work/life balance promote productivity, reduce turnover, and improve employees’ mental and physical health.” - Harvard Business Review 


Achieving work life balance is not something that will be accomplished overnight. It is an ongoing process that will likely change along the way. However, by prioritizing what is important in your life, and communicating with your workplace, you are on a path that will lead you feeling that you have been successful. If you would like to speak to our team about your own work life balance program, give us a call today!