Goal Zero Blog

Brain Awareness Week: Tips to Better Brain Health

Written by Jackson Fisk | Mar 10, 2023 3:15:00 PM

Your brain health plays a significant role in not only your abilities at work but also outside of the office (or worksite). Next week (March 13-19) marks Brain Awareness Week. This is a week dedicated to spreading awareness to support brain science. So, today, we thought it would be fitting to discuss some things we can do to help improve our brain health! 


What is brain health? 


The World Health Organization defines brain health as: “the state of brain functioning across cognitive, sensory, social-emotional, behavioural and motor domains, allowing a person to realize their full potential over the life course, irrespective of the presence or absence of disorders.” There is no question that the brain is one of the most important organs in our body. So, while we can’t control what will happen as we age, there are some things we can do to help our brain perform to the best of its ability. 

Tips for better brain health 


  1. Challenge your brain

Just like other parts of our body, our brains need exercise as well! Mentally stimulating activities are a great way to keep your brain young. Things like word puzzles, math problems, or knowledge games are fun to do, and help build brain power. Trying something new is also encouraged. Whether it be picking up a hobby such as painting or doing puzzles your brain will thank you for introducing something new. 


  1. Get physical 

Regular physical activity does wonders for your brain. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “physical activity can improve your cognitive health—helping you think, learn, problem-solve, and enjoy an emotional balance. It can improve memory and reduce anxiety or depression.” The good news is that you don’t have to exert yourself much either. From walking, to dancing, to running, any type of physical activity will help, and the recommended amount of time is only about 15 minutes a day.  


  1. Eat healthy

A well-balanced diet, full of nourishing foods will help fuel your brain and your body. Some foods recommended for brain health include:  

  • Fatty fish
  • Coffee
  • Blueberries
  • Turmeric
  • Broccoli 
  1. Protect your noggin

Of course, we must mention this one. With health and safety being of utmost importance, we would be remiss is we didn’t include the importance of wearing protective headgear whenever needed and/or required. Injuries to your head can have lasting effects on your brain, whether moderate to severe. Therefore, always ensure you have the proper headgear when working on job sites (as required), riding a bicycle, or participating in other sports or activities where there is risk of head injury. 


Our brains do so much for us! The least we can do is our part in ensuring it is protected, and stays healthy.